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Leadership Development

Leadership Matters.

Henderson County Public Schools is committed to the ongoing professional development of our school leaders. In order to maximize student success, school administrators must stay current and be diligent about implementation of best practices. To support our current and future school leaders, we offer:

  • Aspiring Administrators Academy – to support our current staff who may be considering a career move into school administration. Participants hone leadership skills, hear more about certification program options, and interact with district administrators. (To learn more about this initiative, please contact Mr. Scott Rhodes, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, at (828) 697-4733.)
  • Beginning Principal Support Program – for principals in their first two years of school leadership. All beginning principals are assigned a mentor and participate in targeted professional development. (To learn more about this initiative, please contact Mr. Scott Rhodes, Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources, at (828) 697-4733.)