HCPS Instructional Services

The Instructional Services team proudly serves the students, parents, guardians and staff members of Henderson County Public Schools. Concerned with all aspects of student learning, we strive to provide our stakeholders with quality customer service. We utilize the instructional standards approved by the North Carolina State Board of Education. Locally, we have embraced an instructional framework of strategies that promotes learning for all students. We are proud of the legacy of high-performance by Henderson County leaders and learners. We continue to refine our programming to ensure that our students receive quality instruction and related extra-curricular activities.

Listed below, you will find resources for each department. If you can’t find the information you are seeking, please contact us directly at (828) 697-4733 so that we may assist you.

Shannon MarloweDr. Shannon Marlowe

Assistant Superintendent
Instructional Services |
Professional Development
Send Email Dr. Marlowe

Photo of Marcie Wilson

Marcie Wilson

Director Middle Schools | AIG
Send Email Ms. Wilson

Photo of Scott Moore

Scott Moore

Director High Schools | CTE
Send Email Mr.Moore

Dr. Marsha Justice

Director Elementary Education | Title I
Send Email Ms. Justice

Photo of Shannon Auten

Shannon Auten

Director Student Services | WIOA
Homeless Program | ESSA
Send Email Ms. Auten

Photo of Jennifer Shelton

Dr. Jennifer Shelton

Director Exceptional Children Services | 504 Plans
Send Email Dr. Shelton

Simone Wertenberger

Simone Wertenberger

Director ESL | Migrant Education | Dual Language Program
Send Email Ms. Wertenberger

Kim Henderson Portrait

Kim Henderson

Director Accountability
Send Email Ms. Henderson

Lisa Coley Portrait

Lisa Coley

Coordinator  Student Information System
Send Email Ms. Coley