Student Services

The goal of the Henderson County Student Services Program is to help students be prepared to do their best in school.  In order to reach their potential, Henderson County Public School students must receive academic support and non-academic services.  HCPS is proud of the partnerships among our students, families, teachers, administrators, school counselors, school nurses, social workers, and our many community collaborators.  Our mission together is to build relationships with all school, community, and family stakeholders in order to decrease barriers; increase students’ access to mental, physical, academic, career, social supports; and facilitate academic and personal growth.

Components of Student Support Services

Attendance Support
Dropout Prevention
Foster Student Support and Collaboration
McKinney-Vento / Homeless Education
Safety Assessment and Support
School Counseling
School Social Work

HCPS Students Services

Director of Student Services
Shannon Auten

Administrative Assistant
Jennifer Joyce

414 4th Avenue West
Hendersonville, NC 28739
(828) 697-4514