Career and Technical Education
Does your business/industry have a job for a Henderson County Public School student? If so, please post here. Students should check with their school counselors for a list of jobs available.
Our Mission:
To empower all students to be successful citizens, workers and leaders in a global economy.
Career & Technical Education fulfills this mission by:
- Preparing students for post-secondary education in career-technical fields and lifelong learning.
- Preparing students for initial and continued employment.
- Assisting students in making educational and career decisions.
- Applying and reinforcing related learning from other disciplines.
- Assisting students in developing decision-making, communication, problem-solving, leadership, and citizenship skills.
- Preparing students to make informed consumer decisions and apply practical life skills.
- Making appropriate provisions for students with special needs to succeed in career-technical education programs.
Take a few moments to watch the Made in Henderson County video.