Dash and Dot Kits

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What are Dash & Dot?

Dash & Dot are robots to support basic block coding in the elementary classroom. These little devices are a great addition to the classroom and provide students with an engaging way to learn coding. Let’s learn a little about each robot.


Dash can drive backward, forward, and spin. He can also move his head up, down and around. There are on board programmable buttons, lights and sensors. He’s also a show-off with programmable sounds and lights.


Dot has the ability to deliver programmed sounds, can respond to voices and claps, reacts to leaning movements and has programmable eye and light patterns.

How Can I Use Them?

The HCPS Technology Department is proud to present our new HCPS Dash and Dot checkout kits! Kits are available for checkout to use Dash & Dot in the classroom. Use the calendar of availability and the checkout form once you’ve attended the sessions. Enjoy introducing coding to the students in your classroom!

What Other Resources Do You Have?

Attendees to the workshop are provided with the login to access resources available at Make Wonder. Here are a few of these resources:

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