Do you want to kicks things up a notch in your classroom? Classkick may just be the educational technology tool you have been looking for to give you insight into your students’ learning. This tool is a browser-based application that provides teachers with a view of student work during the creation process. You can see […]
Response Validation Using Google Forms
Posted on 10/05/2020Google Forms provide a great way to assess students with many different purposes. You may use them for a summative evaluation to check mastery of skills. They can also be used for formative assessment which can allow you to determine what needs to be retaught or looked at in a different way. Forms give you […]
They’re Here: Google Classroom Rubrics
Posted on 02/17/2020Rubrics have been a staple for measuring student growth and providing students with explanations of levels of growth measurement in assignments. Rubrics can be customized to fit any assignment with multiple criteria on which to be measured. They are great tools for both student and teacher so that grading is clear and levels are described. […]
Importing Questions in Google Forms
Posted on 08/16/2019Google Forms is being used for so many different purposes in instruction and data collection throughout the district. There is a new element in Google Forms that now allows you to import existing questions from other Google Forms. This is a great way to bring in one highly missed question for a re-evaluation or for […]