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Graduation Support

High School Counselors, School Social Workers, and WIOA Career Coaches work closely with school staff to help high school students who might need additional support to reach their graduation goals. These students have either dropped out of school, or are at risk of  dropping out.  We offer our services in all Henderson County high schools. We assist our students with:

  • Academic support
  • Credit recovery
  • Enhanced guidance and counseling
  • Paid and unpaid work experience
  • Re-enrollment
  • Referrals for Community Support and Services

The Henderson County Public Schools HCPS’ Workforce Innovation and Opportunities Act

WIOA staff works with our students to ensure graduation and help set students up for success after school.  WIOA  career coaches help students return to high school, enroll in the right courses, and get the assistance they need to graduate.  HCPS Career Coaches also assist students with the college application process, help them to obtain steady employment, and gain the skills and credentials they’ll need later in their career.  WIOA Career Coaches can be reached as follows:

Marisela Aguillon  828-388-1429

Tammy George (828) 388-3537

or come visit us anytime at The Career Academy:

300 East Campus Drive

Flat Rock, NC 28731

(828) 697-4629

Our program is funded by a WIA (workforce investment act) grant.

Click here to find your High School Counselors

Click here to find your School Social Workers