Technology for Practice


TrueFlix – (3-5) non-fiction texts (with option for read aloud), videos, and quizzes

Starfall – (K-2) games and activities for younger students learning how to read

TumbleBook Library – (K-3) website with books, puzzles, and games; read independently or can use audio


Kindergarten – Second Grade


ABC Reading Magic 1 – (iPhone/iPad) free app for practicing short vowel words.

ABC Reading Magic 2 – (iPhone/iPad) free app for practicing consonant blends.

Vocabulary Spelling City – (iPhone/iPad, Android, or Kindle)free app for learning vocabulary and spelling.

Animals Flip and Mix – (iPhone/iPad) $1.99 app that practices spelling using syllables.

 iHowTo-Book – (iPhone/iPad) free app where students can read and/or listen to short stories about daily living skills.

Word Wizard – (iPhone/iPad) $2.99 app for early reading learning.

Felt Board – (iPhone/iPad) $2.99 app for building felt board stories.

Pili Pop – (iPhone/iPad) free app for learning English vocabulary.

Dolch Sight Words – (Android) free app to learn sight words.


Counting Board – (iPhone/iPad) free app for practicing counting and number recognition.

123 Number Magic – (iPhone/iPad) free app for 1 – 10 number concept.

IXL Math Practice – (iPhone/iPad) free app with math practice problems.

Fizzy’s Lunch Lab Fresh Pick – (iPhone/iPad) free app from PBS Kids to enhance math and problem solving skills.

Todo K-2 Math Practice – (iPhone/iPad) free app with math practice.

Tell Time – (iPhone/iPad) free app for learning how to tell time.

Telling Time – (Android) free app to learn how to tell time and read clocks.

Math for Kids – (Android) free app to practice math facts.

Third – Fifth Grade


Vocabulary Spelling City – (iPhone/iPad, Android) free app for learning vocabulary and spelling.

Word Mover – (iPhone/iPad) free app that helps students develop poems and short stories.

Fotopedia Wild Friends– (iPhone/iPad) free app that includes beautiful pictures of animals along with short passages about each.

World Wildlife Fund: Together – (iPhone/iPad) free app including non-fiction information about animals around the world.

Phrasalstein – (iPhone/iPad, Android) free app for learning phrasal verbs (like “fall apart” or “doze off”).

Phrasal Verbs Machine – (iPhone/iPad, Android) free app for learning phrasal verbs.

World’s Worst Pet – (iPhone/iPad) free app for building vocabulary.

Galaxies by KIDS DISCOVER – (iPhone/iPad) free app including non-fiction text and other features about galaxies.

Civil War by KIDS DISCOVER – (iPhone/iPad) $3.99 app including non-fiction text and other features about the Civil War. *KIDS DISCOVER has many more excellent apps about various subjects for $3.99 each.*


Broken Calculator – (Android) free game to help students develop math skills and number sense

Sushi Monster – (iPad, iPhone) free game developed by Scholastic that helps students practice addition and multiplication facts.

IXL Math Practice – (iPad, iPhone) free app with math practice problems.

5 Dice: Order of Operations Game – (iPad, iPhone) free game to practice order of operations.

Chicken Coop Fractions – (iPad, iPhone) free app that has students match fractions and decimals.

Pizza Fractions 1 – (iPad, iPhone) free app for identifying fractions.

Math Slicer – (Android, iPad, iPhone) $0.99 app for math fluency practice.

10Monkeys Multiplication – (iPhone/iPad) $1.99 for multiplication fact practice.

4 Dice – (iPhone/iPad) $1.99 for fraction practice (add, subtract, multiply, divide).


Bill Nye the Science Guy – (iPhone/iPad) free app for learning science content.

Stack the States – (iPhone/iPad) $0.99 app to quiz knowledge of United States geography.

Stack the Countries – (iPhone/iPad) $1.99 app for quiz knowledge of world geography.

Enjoy Learning U.S. Map – (iPhone/iPad) free app that allows students to learn the United States map.

The Human Body – (iPhone/iPad) $2.99 app for learning about the human body.