General Information
The Regular School Day runs 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM.
Bad Weather:
All students are required to have a bad weather plan filed with their teacher that includes emergency phone numbers and student pick-up plans for early dismissal due to inclement weather.
Bus Schedules:
Please telephone our office to ask about bus schedules.
Car Rider Pick-up:
People picking students up from the car rider line should form a queue in the lane leading around the rear of the school. We will call your child when you get to the front of the line. You will need to display the sign with your child’s name in your windshield. Signs are obtained from the office. As a matter of safety we ask that you refrain from talking on cell phones and remember there are children moving in the area.
Parent Pick-up:
Parent pick-up is held along the sidewalk on the left side of the school’s facade. We ask parents to wait until the buses have cleared the parking lot before crossing to the sidewalk. You will need the sign with your child’s name in order to pick them up. We ask that you form a single line for both safety and fairness.
Cafeteria Prices:
The regular price for school lunch is $2.40 Breakfast is provided in the classroom for all students daily free of charge. Applications for free and reduced meal prices are available in the office or on-line. Click for more information about The Child Nutrition Program in Henderson County Public Schools.
Medications are to be given to the students by the office or the classroom teacher only after the proper forms have been filled out. These are available in the office.
Parents may register students in the office anytime during the school year. Kindergarten registration for the next school year is held during the beginning of April. Parents are asked to bring the following items with them for registration: original birth certificate, social security number, a utility bill for proof of address, a street name, a current physical examination, and immunization record. These items must be brought to the office within a specified time after registration. Please call the office for more information.
Applications and information for PSAM/PSPM are available in the office.
County Student Wellness Policy:
Click to access the Henderson County Student Wellness Policy.
School Improvement Plan:
School Improvement Plans are housed in NCSTAR/Indistar, a planning tool provided at no cost to districts by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. Schools designated as low performing by the state accountability system are to have school improvement plans posted for 30 days as an opportunity for feedback prior to approval by the School Board. These plans will be posted until November 17th, 2024.
To view a school’s continuous improvement plan, log into and use the Guest credentials provided below.
Dana Elementary
Guest Username: GuestS16493
Guest Password: GuestS16493
Feedback on the plans can be given through this Google form link.