Featured Videos
History of Dana School Slideshow
P21 Video Featuring Dana School
In 2013, Dana School was selected as a school of Exemplary Innovation by the Partnership for 21st Century Skills. A film crew from Pearson flew out to film us in action…
View our P21 Exemplar School Video!
1st Annual White House Film Festival: Dana School’s Original Submission
During the winter of 2013/2014, five Dana Students wrote a film about how technology impacts the way students learn in the 21st century. The film was entered in the first annual White House Film Festival and Received honorable mention out of thousands of entries!!
Watch “21st Century Techno-Leaders”
More Dana Original Movies…
(Click on the image to view the video.)
Redefining Excellence
Produced for a contest from Solution Tree
Readers Are Leaders!
Produced as part of a grant application for Follett.