Collage of photos of students at school in various learning environments

HES Ranked 51st out of 2,149 Elementary Schools

We’re thrilled to announce that Hendersonville Elementary has been ranked 51st out of 2,149 North Carolina elementary schools by U.S. News & World Report! This recognition highlights the dedication of our students, staff, and community. Check out the Asheville Citizen Times article showcasing top schools in Western NC to learn more!

Image that has an outline of an open book that reads Order our yearbook today!

Don't Miss Out—Order Your Child's Yearbook Today!

You can complete your order by:

  • Returning the paper form with a check made payable to Hendersonville Elementary School
  • Ordering online at the Lifetouch website using our School’s Unique ID Code: 4265425.

Order Deadline: March 31, 2025
Secure this special keepsake for your student before the deadline!

Image of student body forming a Construction Hat shape

Leaders are Built Here

At HES, we will be:

Honorable in Character

Engaged in Learning, and

Successful each day!

Our theme for this school year is Leaders are Built Here. This theme encompasses our goal of becoming a Model STEM School of Distinction as well as a Leader in Me School.

Group of students and staff members sitting and kneeling in front of a stage outdoors. Adults dressed as mascots and superheroes are on the stage behind them. Two adults are holding a banner that reads National Unified Champion School

HES is 1 of 37 Schools in the Nation to earn Banner Status as a Unified Champion School

Hendersonville Elementary School is proud to be recognized as a National Unified Champion School. We are so excited to be just 1 of 37 schools in the nation and the only school in NC to make the ESPN Honor Roll! A Unified Champion School receiving national banner recognition is one that provides an inclusive space for individuals with and without intellectual disabilities and has demonstrated commitment to inclusion by meeting 10 national standards of excellence. These standards were developed by a national panel of leaders from Special Olympics and the education community. Read more about our recognition on the HCPS website!

Image with icons that reads Stay Connected

Stay Connected With Us

Do you follow us on Social Media? Be sure to check out the Hendersonville Elementary Facebook Page and follow us on Instagram and Twitter! We’ll post important announcements and updates there as well as share all of the fun and exciting things happening in our school!

Has your contact information changed? Be sure to share that with the front office as well. That way we can be sure to have the most up-to-date information and can reach you when needed!

Also, be sure to add us to your contacts.  Any phone calls received from the school will be from (828)697-4752.  Any School Messenger correspondence from our school or HCPS will be from (888)289-7758 and any School Messenger text messages will be from 675-87. (You must Opt-In to receiving text messages.)  In order to keep these calls and messages from being identified as SPAM, you might want to program the numbers into your phone.

Staff photo in the library

HES 2024-2025 Staff and Vision Statement

At Hendersonville Elementary School, we will provide a solid academic foundation for each child. We will encourage and empower students to achieve their academic best while emphasizing respectfulness and responsibility for success in life.


Students standing in front of school marquee sign.

A+ School

Hendersonville Elementary School earned an A+ grade for the 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 school years!  We are the only school in Henderson County with that distinction. In 2017-2018, we were proud to have Exceeded Growth.  HES is one of only four schools in the state of NC to be honored as a Lighthouse School in 2018.

In addition to receiving another A rating in 2018-2019, HES also Exceeded Growth!  In fact, HES ranked 3rd out of the 2600+ schools in the state that Exceeded Growth and was 1 of only 12 schools that received both honors.

Go Cubcats!


Photo of School Marquee that reads Cubcat News Look at Us! STEM School of Distinction...Again!

STEM School of Distinction...AGAIN

Hendersonville Elementary School has earned a three-year continuation of the NC Department of Public Instruction’s prior designation as a Prepared STEM School of Distinction. We are the only elementary school in WNC to have achieved this honor!


Students in front of sign

#1 in Student Growth

An “A” school this year, Hendersonville Elementary also achieved the highest growth index (5.14) among local elementary schools.

NC Academic Growth Award Logo

Recognized as one of the top-performing NC public schools in 2018-19

Of the more than 2,500 public schools in North Carolina, 119 of them received a performance grade of A and exceeded academic growth expectations.  Hendersonville Elementary School is proud to be one of those 119 high performing schools.  WRAL has the full report.

Adults standing around Distinguished School Nominee Banner

Hendersonville Elementary School is in the top 1% of Title I Schools in NC

Hendersonville Elementary has received recognition for being in the top 1% of Title I schools in North Carolina and as a 2019-20 National ESEA Distinguished School Nominee in the “high performance” category.