What is STEM and PBL and why do we love it at HES?
STEM is an acronym of topics of study.
- S– Science
- T-Technology
- E-Engineering
- M-Mathematics
As a school, we ask our students to apply these skills as they work to solve problems, create solutions, re-test their findings, and share it with others. Â We love watching our students independently and collaboratively solve problems, utilize technology, connect all of their learning, and become critical thinkers. Â We know that outside of school, people learn by integrating all content areas. Â As a school, we strive to keep our learning and teaching as real-world as possible by providing our students the opportunity to ask questions, find answers to their questions, and become independent problem-solvers.
PBL is also an acronym.
- P-Project
- B-Based
- L-Learning
Students actively explore real-world problems, questions and challenges for an extended period of time to investigate and acquire a deeper knowledge.
- Project-Based Learning:
- Key knowledge, understanding, and success skills
- Challenging Problem or Question
- Sustained Inquiry
- Authenticity
- Student Voice & Choice
- Reflection
- Revision
- Public Product
For information on Project-Based Learning, visit the Buck Institute for Education’s PBL Works!