Safety & Visitors
The safety of our students is of utmost importance. We ask that everyone who enters the school follow our safety procedures and we thank you in advance for your cooperation.
All visitors must enter the school at the main entrance on the front side of the school. All exterior doors will be kept closed and locked at all times. Upon entering the school, guest must proceed to the school office to sign in as a visitor and a green sticker with their name & picture will be printed. Visitors must wear their sticker at all times while in the school. Teachers are required to ask that anyone who comes to their door without a badge return to the office for proper sign in.
In the afternoons, car riders will be kept inside the building during the dismissal process. Any adult here to pick up a student will be required to have an Edneyville car tag. All adults must be prepared to show photo identification when picking up a child. This simple procedure is for the protection of your child. We will not release a student to anyone except the parent, legal guardian, or a person you have authorized to pick up your child.