Estela Romero, who lives in Angangueo, Mexico near the El Rosario monarch overwintering sanctuary, visited students here at Edneyville on Thursday to speak about the butterflies.
Romero serves as a news reporter for Journey North and coordinates the Symbolic Migration program. She also works with children in her community to report the butterflies’ fall arrival, send news about the monarchs’ overwintering season and announce the butterflies’ departure for spring migration in March.
During the winter, Romero delivers symbolic monarchs to hundreds of school children who li
ve near the monarch sanctuaries and provides environmental education programs for them.
She was a child living in Angangueo when the monarch overwintering sanctuaries were “discovered” in 1975. Her family has a long history living in the town and worked with the first scientists who came to study the monarchs.
The Symbolic Migration unites children across North America through the migration of symbolic ambassador butterflies. This fall 60,000 students across the globe will create symbolic monarch butterflies and send them to Mexico. Children who live beside the monarchs’ winter sanctuaries in Mexico will protect the paper butterflies and return them in the spring. This year Edneyville students in grades 2, 3, and 4 sent butterflies to make the symbolic migration.
* Some on the information from this article was taken from the Blue Ridge Now Article titled ‘Dana students learn from expert about monarch butterflies’ that was published on September 24th, 2018. Click here to view the original article.