Parent Involvement
Volunteers are an essential part of any successful school. PTO provides parents the opportunity to work together with teachers in a cooperative effort to provide students with an effective and positive learning environment. We encourage all parents to be active PTO members. Working together, we will be successful!
Involvement & Communication with Your Child’s Teacher
Sending notes to your child’s teacher is a very effective way to communicate. It is also a great way to work with your child on responsibility. Let them know that they are responsible for carrying these messages back and forth and how important it is. You can send notes to your teacher about things like:
– When your child’s after school ride situation changes. Be specific as to what your new arrangements are.
– If your child is going home with another child. All parties involved will need to send notes. The notes should be approved by the teacher. Please remember that students may not be able to ride home on a bus with another student, due to limited bus seating.
– A change in contact information, like telephone or address occurs. Up-to-date contact information helps to insure proper communication.
– If there are any changes in custody papers for your child. In order to enforce agreements, we need court documents on file.
– If your child is having a problem in school, let their teacher know that you would like to schedule a conference.
You are always welcome to call the school with questions or concerns. Sometimes your child’s teacher may be able to return your phone call during the school day, but most of the time they are busy teaching and will need to call you back after school hours. Please leave a message with the school office and they will see that your call is returned as soon as time is available. Please extend this same courtesy to coming by school during school hours to talk to a teacher. Your concerns are very important to us. To ensure that we have proper time to speak with you, we ask that you please make an appointment to speak with school staff.
The following are links to more helpful information for parents:
Henderson County Public School’s ‘Parent Page’
NC Department of Public Instruction’s ‘Parent Corner’
US Department of Education’s ‘Questions Parents Ask About Schools