General Information
Contact Us
Address: 737 N. Clear Creek Road, Hendersonville, NC 28792
Phone Number: 828.697.4760
Fax Number: 828.698.6121
School Hours
Instructional Hours: 8:00am-3:00pm
Drop off time: 7:30-8:00am (Tardy at 7:55 parents must sign in at the office.)
Car Rider Pick-up: 3:00pm-3:20pm
Frequently Asked Questions
May I eat with my child in the cafeteria?
Absolutely! We love having parents join their students for lunch. Check with your child’s teacher (via the BLOOMZ app) to confirm their lunch time. *NOTE: If you are eating with your child, we ask that you purchase a school lunch or bring a bag lunch.
Where do I go to drop off or pick up my child?
When entering the school; continue to the right, and proceed to the car rider circle. Please pull to pole #1 and only let students out of the vehicle between poles #1-6. Please stay in the car and a staff member will assist your child in entering or exiting your car. A CCS car tag will be required to pick up students in the car rider line.
Can I pick my child up early?
Instruction time is valuable and we want your child to be here for as much of it as possible. Please try to pick your child up early only in emergency situations. A PHOTO ID WILL BE REQUIRED EVERY TIME FOR ANYONE PICKING A CHILD UP EARLY.
How does my child earn perfect attendance?
Attendance includes tardies and early dismissals. Perfect attendance = no tardies, absences, or early dismissals.
What do I do if my child needs to go home a different way?
If your child needs to go home a different way we ask that you send a message via Bloomz or a note to your child’s teacher the morning of the change, before 8:00AM. If your child will be going home with another student, both students will need to have a note or message sent to their teacher. In the event of an emergency change during the school day, please contact the office before 2:45PM.
How can I access my child’s attendance records and grades?
You may view attendance records & grades online via PowerSchool ( Information on parent accounts will be distributed at the beginning of each school year.
How can I contact my child’s teacher?
We want you to be able to communicate with your child’s teacher in the most efficient way possible. For that reason, we use an app called BLOOMZ for parent/ teacher communication. You will be given the class code for your child’s teacher and be able to message them on the app to set up a phone call or conference. You may also email your child’s teacher or call the school to leave a message. Information about school events and messages will also go out from the BLOOMZ app.