PBIS Parent Information

What is PBIS?

PBIS focuses on improving a school’s ability to teach and support positive behavior for all students. The program includes the development and teaching of specific behavioral expectations for our students. These behaviors are positively reinforced throughout the school on an individual basis, as classes, and as an entire school. PBIS is based on the premise that students learn appropriate behaviors through instruction, practice, feedback, and encouragement.


A unified set of expectations for different locations in our school has been established by our PBIS Team . These expectations are posted in every classroom, as well as throughout our school. Our expectations are recited each morning by our cubs through our Paw Pledge. “As a Cub, I pledge to always do my best. I will always show respect and be kind to everyone. I will be responsible and safe. I am a Cub with Character.” Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to learn and review the expectations and help lead others in modeling what it means to be a Cub with Character.

In addition to the expectations matrix developed by our PBIS team, CCS has also chosen to implement The 8 Habits of Happy Kids. More information will be available in the pages to follow.


To reinforce positive behavior in our students, teachers and staff will hand out tickets to students who are caught displaying what it means to me a Cub with Character. These tickets will be redeemable in your child’s classroom for various prizes or special privileges (i.e., chewing gum in class, sitting with a friend at lunch, wearing a hat, sitting in the teacher’s chair, etc.)

Your child may also come home with a Paw Slip! This means that your child went above and beyond our school expectations, and was complemented by a staff member. Students who receive Paw Slips are awarded ten (10) extra tickets. These slips are also read monthly on the PAW News by Dr. Wilson.

Cubs with Character aren’t just individuals, but entire classes as well. Each month classes work together to be able to place their class piece of our school mascot, Cubby, on the wall. Classes receive paws in one of two ways: 1) During specials: If a class meets the expectations laid out in our matrix while with a specialist, the class is rewarded with one paw. If the class as a whole goes above and beyond the expectations, the specialist may award up to two paws. 2) In hallways: While traveling in the hallways, if a staff member sees a class meeting or exceeding expectations in the hall, they may complement them and let their teacher know they earned a paw. Each class has a goal of 30 paws earned each nine weeks. When a class earns their 30 paws they are recognized on PAW News and receive a class reward of their choosing (i.e., extra recess, shoes off, hat day, etc.). If every class at CCS earns their 30 paws in a 9 week period, a school wide reward occurs (in the past this has included special assemblies, ice cream parties, pajama days, etc.).

Cub Consequences

When a student makes a choice not to meet these expectations, their teacher will record the student’s behavior, strategies for re-teaching the expectations, and the classroom consequence the student received. If an office referral is required, the same course of action will take place at the office level.


In addition to speaking with your child’s teacher, visit this website for more information:

National PBIS Website