Marlow Monday Message, September 25th, 2023

Henderson County Public Schools News

Good Evening Marlow Families!
Hard to believe that we are in the final week of September…where does the time go?

Highlights from last week include: Third Grade’s trip to downtown Hendersonville, learning about our local government and visiting some iconic Hendersonville establishments; a jam-packed Chick-fil-A for GMES Spirit Night; and our 5th graders becoming ‘surgeons-for-a-day’ as they continue to learn about the body systems. Overall, it was another outstanding week!


In this week’s Marlow Monday Message:

New Stuff:

  • Marlow 25 Year Anniversary T-shirts are now on sale to Marlow Families!
  • K-5 Vision Screening – Tomorrow, September 26th
  • Marlow Movie Night is this Friday!
  • Fall Picture Day is coming!
  • Marlow Family Book Club
  • Blessings in Boxes
  • Important Dates to Remember (updated)

Old Stuff:

  • Morning and Afternoon Reminders
  • Marlow Spirit Wear link
  • 2023 – 2024 HCPS Traditional School Calendar

Thank you for all you do!

With Marlow Pride,

John Hart


Marlow 25 Year Anniversary T-shirts are now on sale to our Marlow Families!

The Marlow people have spoken, and we hear you! Today starts a 3-week only sale of our Marlow’s 25 Year Anniversary T-shirt! Students, parents, alumni…anyone who wants to purchase a shirt can now do so.
Shirts are $14.50, and come in an array of both youth and adult sizes.

Please click on the SchoolCashOnline link to purchase your 25 Year Marlow shirt!

Again, this T-shirt sale will only run for 3-weeks, and 3-weeks only!\


K-5 Vision Screening – September 26th

Annual vision screenings for all students will be occurring tomorrow, Tuesday, September 26th. These vision screenings will be hosted by the Etowah Lions Club using the vision spot camera during the school day.

If your child wears glasses please remind them to wear them on September 26th to ensure they receive an accurate screening result.

If you wish for your child to not have their vision screened at school, please call the school and notify Nurse Amber as soon as possible tomorrow morning.

Movie Night @ Marlow is back, and it’s this Friday!

Parents enjoy a night to yourselves, or with friends, while your child(ren) joins teachers and classmates for a movie night at school! On Friday September 29th, we will be showing “The Super Mario Brothers Movie.”

The night will include a pizza dinner, freshly popped popcorn, and fun with friends. Students are invited to wear their pajamas, bring their water bottles, and bring their favorite items to cozy up during the movie with. The doors will open at 6:00pm with a pick up time at 8:30 pm.

How to sign your student(s) up:

1. Please sign up using the Movie Night Google Form. If you have multiple students attending please fill out the form more than once. This allows the teachers working the event to have contact information for your student.

2. Make it official by paying for the event. Payments can be made through School Cash Online.

3. Mark your calendar for a night of fun! September 29 at 6pm!!

Registration Deadline is Thursday (9/28) at midnight.

Doors open at 6 pm! See you there!

If you have any questions please email Mrs. Summey at

Fall Picture Day is coming!

On Wednesday, October 4th, Lifetouch will be here for Fall pictures. Order forms were sent home last week (and maybe today), so please take advantage of this opportunity to order your pictures, as a portion of all picture sales goes right back to Glenn Marlow Elementary School.

Picture order forms must be paid in full on the Picture Day or orders can be made online at Lifetouch’s website.

Marlow Family Book Club!

Attention 3rd-5th grade students and parents! You are invited to join the Marlow Book Club!

This is a student-parent-teacher book club that will discuss a novel on Google Classroom twice a year (Fall and Spring). As you read the book, we will post discussion questions and activities online, and both students and their families are encouraged to interact and participate. As we reach the end, we will have a Family Night with food, fun, and book-related activities!

The book for fall is Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, by Chris Grabenstein.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the Google Form and join our Google Classroom!

The Storehouse’s 2023 “Blessings in Boxes”

Do you anticipate that it may be difficult to provide Christmas gifts for your children this year? If so, our partnership will be working with local churches, faith communities, agencies, and local businesses to make Christmas more special for those who choose to participate.

For Marlow families, the Intake day is Friday, October 13th, from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm at First Baptist Church in Hendersonville.

All you need to bring is children clothing sizes and wish lists, a valid form of ID, and a last paycheck stub. Informational flyers were sent home last week with students.

If you have any questions about the Blessings in Boxes, please contact Rachel Malmgren, our school counselor, at 828-654-3225. You may also send her an email at

Important Dates to Remember: Updated!

  • September 26th:Vision Screening (K-5)
  • September 28th: Lock Down Drill (Practice)
  • September 29th: GMES Movie Night!
  • October 2 – October 13: Q1 NC Check-In Assessment Window (G3 – G5)
  • October 4th: Fall Picture Day
  • October 9 – October 13: National School Lunch Week
  • October 12th: GMES Spirit Night at Cantina Louie
  • October 16/17: No School for Students (End of the 1st Quarter)
  • October 26th: Pumpkin Lighting!