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Marlow Monday Message, October 2nd, 2023

Henderson County Public Schools News
Due to the age of this article, the information below could be outdated or incorrect.

Good Evening Marlow Families!
Hello October! I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend… Man, what great weather we have been experiencing lately!

As we say goodbye to September and Attendance Awareness Month, let us not forget that student attendance is important all year long. In the month of September, our student daily attendance rate was around 96.5%. This includes absences that were counted as either Excused or Unexcused. We will continue our push to increase student attendance each day, understanding that our students cannot learn in the classroom if they are not present. I would love to see our October rate be above 96.5%, and continue increasing throughout the year.

Every day counts. Every piece matters. We can do this!!

Today is National Custodian Appreciation Day, so we want to send a Marlow Shout-out to our amazing custodians: Mr. Kendrix, Ms. Tammy, and Mr. Greg. They do so much for our school on a daily basis, and keep our school looking clean, so if you see them anytime, please let them know how awesome they are and how much we appreciate them!

In this week’s Marlow Monday Message:

New Stuff:

  • Marlow 25 Year Anniversary T-shirts are now on sale to Marlow Families!
  • Fall Picture Day is here!!
  • School lunch
  • GMES Spirit Night @ Cantina Louie
  • Pumpkin Lighting is just around the corner!
  • Marlow Family Book Club
  • Blessings in Boxes
  • Important Dates to Remember: Updated

With Marlow Pride,

John Hart


Marlow 25 Year Anniversary T-shirts are now on SALE to our Marlow Families!

The Marlow people have spoken, and we hear you!!! Today starts a 3-week only sale of our Marlow’s 25 Year Anniversary T-shirt! Students, parents, alumni…anyone who wants to purchase a shirt can now do so.
Shirts are $14.50, and come in an array of both youth and adult sizes.

Please click on the SchoolCashOnline link to purchase your 25 Year Marlow shirt!

Again, this T-shirt sale will only run for 3-weeks, and 3-weeks only!

Fall Picture Day is here!

On Wednesday, October 4th, Lifetouch will be here for Fall pictures. Order forms were sent home last week, so please take advantage of this opportunity to order your pictures, as a portion of all picture sales goes right back to Glenn Marlow Elementary School.

Picture order forms must be paid in full on the Picture Day, or orders can be made online at Lifetouch’s website.

School Lunch

Now that school lunches are free to all students, we have seen a tremendous increase in the number of school lunches consumed by students. This is outstanding, and we are so grateful that Henderson County Public Schools took on this initiative.

We also enjoy having our parents, grandparents, and younger siblings come and join us for lunch. Whether it be a special occasion or just a time to come and enjoy lunch with your child, please remember that we do not allow parents to bring in outside food from local or chain restaurants into the cafeteria to give their child. Instead, we encourage you to buy lunch at school with your child and enjoy it with them.

In advance, thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

GMES Spirit Night at Cantina Louie!

Join us at Cantina Louie on Thursday, October 12th, from 5 pm – 10 pm for a GMES Spirit Night called “Dine and Donate.” A portion of your final sales will go right back to support GMES. Make sure to mention “Marlow” to your server or To-Go rep! Hope to see you all there!

Pumpkin Lighting is just around the corner….

Marlow’s Annual Fall Festival, “Pumpkin Lighting” is just around the corner. This year, scheduled for Thursday, October 26th, from 5:30 pm – 8:00 pm. Food, games, inflatables, raffle baskets, pumpkin displays, a hay ride, and S’mores awaits the Marlow Community to come out and enjoy!

Orange informational flyers coming home this week, so be on the lookout for more information.

Raffle Basket ticket sales / information will be coming to you on 10/13… Stay tuned because these baskets are really good!

Marlow Family Book Club!

Attention 3rd-5th grade students and parents! You are invited to join the Marlow Book Club!

This is a student-parent-teacher book club that will discuss a novel on Google Classroom twice a year (Fall and Spring). As you read the book, we will post discussion questions and activities online, and both students and their families are encouraged to interact and participate. As we reach the end, we will have a Family Night with food, fun, and book-related activities!

The book for fall is Mr. Lemoncello’s Library, by Chris Grabenstein.

If you are interested in participating, please fill out the Google Form and join our Google Classroom!

The Storehouse’s 2023 “Blessings in Boxes”

Do you anticipate that it may be difficult to provide Christmas gifts for your children this year? If so, our partnership will be working with local churches, faith communities, agencies, and local businesses to make Christmas more special for those who choose to participate.

For Marlow families, the Intake day is Friday, October 13th, from 8:30 am – 5:30 pm at First Baptist Church in Hendersonville.

All you need to bring is children clothing sizes and wish lists, a valid form of ID, and a last paycheck stub. Informational flyers were sent home last week with students.

If you have any questions about the Blessings in Boxes, please contact Rachel Malmgren, our school counselor, at 828-654-3225. You may also send her an email at

Important Dates to Remember: Updated

  • October 2 – October 13: Q1 NC Check-In Assessment Window (G3 – G5)
  • October 4: Fall Picture Day
  • October 9 – October 13: National School Lunch Week
  • October 12: GMES Spirit Night at Cantina Louie
  • October 16/17: No School for Students (End of the 1st Quarter)
  • October 26: Pumpkin Lighting!