The Media Center is for
Media Center FYI:
- Opens at 7:30 each day.
- There are Chromebook charging stations available for students to charge their Chromebooks before school or during the day.
- The media center staff is here to offer help with; research, citations; finding a book; computers, and more.
Media Center Staff:
Ms. Heather Bromley – Media Specialist – habromley@hcpsnc.orgĀ
Ms. Kolby Rice – Media Assistant –
Search our online card catalog Destiny to find books in our library! Destiny can also be accessed to see what books you have checked out and the due dates.
NC Kids Digital Library Login to your account by selecting Henderson County Public Library, and then putting your lunch number for the card number! (or get the app on your mobile device)
Henderson County Public Library Student Access has eBooks for everyone.