The HELP Program relies on all staff to assist in the identification of Homeless students.  School administrators, teachers, guidance counselors, nurses, bus drivers, child nutrition, front office, data mangers and enrollment staff are all vital to help identify homeless students.  The HELP Case Managers try to streamline the communication process by having guidance counselors be the point of contact for homeless issues at each school.  However, any school staff member may make a referral to the HELP Program by contacting a HELP Case Manger or emailing a HELP Program Referral Online Form.

Tips for staff

  • Be aware of common characteristics of homeless students, such as: attendance at several schools in a short period of time; transportation problems; lack of preparedness, school supplies and clothing;  poor  health, hygiene, and nutrition.
  • Ensure that homeless students have every opportunity that non-homeless students have, including special projects and educational activities.
  • Help other students in being sensitive to stereotypes of homeless people.
  • Contact the HELP Case Managers if you are uncertain if the student qualifies as homeless or not.

Best Practices for Homeless Education:

National Center for Homeless Education

McKinney Vento Live Binder

Unaccompanied Youth and Higher Education

For more information please contact:

Jessica Ownbey

Phone Ms. Ownbey: 828.388.0294

Email Ms. Ownbey: Email