Marlow Elementary School

Mission Statement

Glenn C. Marlow Elementary School will provide all students with the opportunity to learn and the encouragement to succeed in an enriching and safe environment. In partnership with family and community, we respect the individual and nurture the potential of all children.

Core Values

We at Glenn Marlow believe that:

  • Every child has the potential to learn.  Every child can succeed.
  • School is a safe, nurturing and comfortable environment.
  •  Each child is a valued individual and will be embraced and accepted regardless of cultural differences, beliefs, attitudes, or abilities.
  •  Teachers, staff, administrators, parents, students, and community members share in the responsibility for providing a supportive learning environment within our school.
  •  Commitment to continuous improvement empowers students to become confident, self-directed, lifelong learners.

Our Vision:

Each child will achieve success.